Dear Lootius,

You are your avatar … But your avatar isn’t always you!

“I am my avatar” isn’t just the song of the English-born entrepreneur, director, producer, and creator of the avatar NEVERDIE, Jon Jacobs. It’s a reality for many of us who live and breathe through the characters we’ve created.

In a way, we all wear masks, roles that others define us by. And often we can play a role, but deep down we are completely different. But when the stars align, an avatar can merge with a player into one. Suddenly you’re not just yourself anymore; you are also the character they know you as. It’s a beautiful, paradoxical experience that can only happen in a place like Entropia Universe.

Take me, for example. I “play” TheNun – yes, that sexy, perverted nun from the Church of Lootius. And sure, I’m not naive enough to think she hasn’t starred in a wet fantasy or two (or twenty!). In fact, I’m totally fine with that. But here’s the kicker: I started playing 20 years ago, and though the years have passed, inside, I’m still as young, mischievous, and unapologetically bold as my avatar. When I sit at the keyboard, I’m not just playing TheNun – I am TheNun.

The beauty of role-playing your avatar is that it gives you freedom. I didn’t buy a planet, run a virtual nightclub, or spend every waking moment in the game. Yet, I’ve lived out a whole other side of myself in Entropia. It’s a place where our imaginations take root and grow, unfettered by real-world constraints like age or identity. And every time we log in, that playful part of us awakens, feeling just as real and vibrant as it did when we started.

Entropia is more than just a game; it’s a universe where you can be anything, anyone – without limitations. And that’s the magic. The lines between virtual and real blur, creating a space where your avatar’s role can become an extension of who you truly are. It’s liberating, it’s exciting, and it expands your universe in ways you never thought possible.

On another note, in a virtual world, personality is everything. It shines through quickly, often more clearly than in real life. No matter how someone tries to present themselves, over time, their true colors will always come to light. The connections you form with others in virtual spaces can become incredibly deep and authentic, often surpassing relationships made at a casual party or social event. Without the distractions of physical appearances or superficial interactions, you connect with the essence of a person, allowing for bonds that can feel more genuine and meaningful.

If you’re fortunate, Entropia too can lead to lifelong friendships, and for some, even the love of their life. Should you ever meet face-to-face in the real world, something magical happens: the lines between the virtual and the real blur, and the person in front of you seamlessly merges with the avatar you’ve come to know. In that moment, you’ll see them not just as they are in reality, but as the very character you’ve journeyed alongside in Entropia. It’s as if their virtual self and real-life identity become one and the same.

So next time you log in, ask yourself: Am I playing my avatar, or am I living through it? Because the truth is, you are your avatar, and maybe – just maybe – you’re more your avatar than you might want to admit.

Loot be with us all,

Dear Lootius is 85% Danish content translated to English via Google Translate and 15% refined by ChatGPT.

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