Dear Lootius,

Twenty years ago, when I first set foot on the lands of Calypso, I have to admit – I was blissfully ignorant of the art of sweating. The allure of pulling sweat from a mob never crossed my mind. I was too caught up in the thrill of the hunt, the chase, the loot. But oh, how times have changed.

Now, I find myself drawn to those enigmatic half-moon circles of skilled players, who, like a secret cult under your divine gaze, stand for hours sweating the mighty ambulimaxes. There’s something oddly captivating about it. Like a dance, almost, between player and creature, a connection that’s both primal and pure. The evil and the good in a perfect harmony.

As I stood there, feeling the cool, vibrant energy of the universe pulse through my veins, I couldn’t help but wonder: Is this the secret to breaking even? Could the humble art of sweating be the key to balance in this Chaotic world? To find out, I decided to join the sweat-team. And to my delight, other members from the Church of Lootius joined me, turning what could have been a mundane activity into a communal experience – a shared devotion.

I have to say, there’s something deeply satisfying, even sensual, about drawing sweat from another living creature. It’s as if you’re reaching out and touching the very essence of life, coaxing it from the creature’s body and into your hands. I was told that if you’re truly blessed, you might even receive a tiny sweat-global, a little nod from you, dear Lootius. I didn’t quite achieve that level of divine favor, but I did manage to pull four bottles in a turn, which, as a noob in this sacred practice, filled me with a quiet joy.

And let’s not forget, I reached level 3 in my Sweat Gatherer profession. A small victory, perhaps, but every step closer to enlightenment is a step worth celebrating.

An old friend from Silver Ridge

On another note, I had another adventure secretly trying to be one from the Calypso Rescue Team last night, but it proved that I might be better suited to my role as a humble Nun. Despite my best efforts, I couldn’t find the poor lost soul in the mountains near Silver Ridge. But you, in your infinite wisdom, had other plans for me.

When I logged back in this morning, in the middle of nowhere, I was greeted by an old friend – Aiden Winterking. We hadn’t spoken in years, but there he was, as if summoned by your will. We chatted about life, the universe, and everything, and in that moment, I was reminded of why I’m here in Entropia. It’s not just the mobs or the loot; it’s the people, the connections, the bonds that have formed over years of shared experiences.

These encounters, dear Lootius, are what make Entropia feel like home. Friends who were once family, the joy of seeing an old name pop up in chat, the warmth of shared memories. These are the treasures that no amount of PED can buy. And yes, some of these friends are addictive, in the best possible way, believe me. They keep you awake at night, their laughter echoing in your ears, their stories weaving into the fabric of your lucid dreams.

As I roam the lands of Calypso, the beat from music filling my senses, my blood becomes a river of melodies, each note a reminder of the life we’ve built here. Lootius, you are with me in every step, every note, every pull of sweat I take. Together, we rule this world – not with power or wealth, but with the connections we forge and the memories we create.

Loot and sweat be with us all,


Dear Lootius is 85% Danish content translated to English via Google Translate and 15% refined by ChatGPT.

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